Protect The Skin You Were Born With: 3 Steps To Reduce Your Chances Of Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is a serious disease that affects thousands of people each year. According to statistics, about 76,000 people were diagnosed with skin cancer in 2014. Unfortunately, about 9,000 passed away from the disease. If you spend time in the sun, you need to do what you can to reduce your chances of developing the disease. This is particularly important if your family has a history of cancer. If you want to protect yourself from the ravages of skin cancer, you need to take a pro-active approach to your health. Read More 

A Pimple Or Basal Cell Skin Cancer?

Acne and pimples are common situations that occur in just about everybody. Unfortunately, there is a chance that recurring pimples and acne may be a sign of basal cell skin cancer. You may face the potential for skin cancer surgery in that case. Here is how to understand this situation and manage it successfully. Pimples May Not Be Pimples A typical pimple pops up on the skin and sticks around for no more than a few days to a week. Read More 

Tips To Help You Eliminate Distracting And Painful Skin Tags From Your Body

The condition and appearance of the skin on your face, neck, and other areas of your body can greatly improve or decrease your physical appearance. One of the ways to improve your physical appearance is by taking care of your skin for a radiant and blemish-free appearance. Skin tags around your neck and on other areas of your body can look unattractive, attract unwanted attention, and additionally be an annoyance and painful when they become caught on your clothes. Read More 

4 Advantages Of Mohs Surgery

Mohs surgery is a method for removing skin cancer tumors that is known for its precision and accuracy. Mohs surgery is unique because your surgeon removes a very thin layer of the cancerous area, immediately checks it under a microscope for cancer cells, and then moves on to the next very thin area, rather than removing one large area at a time. The use of microscopes in the surgical process allows for much greater accuracy than other types of skin cancer surgery. Read More 

Hate The Mole On Your Face? A Few Ways To Get Rid Of It

If you have a mole on your face, it can be the cause of your self-consciousness. If the mole has appeared recently, it may cause you to be concerned about skin cancer. The best way to rule this out is with a trip to the dermatologist. He or she will perform a biopsy on the offending blemish to determine whether it is cancerous or not. Once you have the results, the doctor will discuss options for mole removal. Read More